最近跟随Tomcat7.0开发了一个JDBC 连接池。
Svn: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tomcat/trunk/modules/jdbc-pool
1. 获取连接
2. 归还连接
一. 获取连接
- public Future<Connection> getConnectionAsync() throws SQLException {
- try {
- PooledConnection pc = borrowConnection(0, null, null);
- if (pc!=null) {
- return new ConnectionFuture(pc);
- }
- }catch (SQLException x) {
- if (x.getMessage().indexOf("NoWait")<0) {
- throw x;
- }
- }
- /we can only retrieve a future if the underlying queue supports it.
- if (idle instanceof FairBlockingQueue<?>) {
- Future<PooledConnection> pcf = ((FairBlockingQueue<PooledConnection>)idle).pollAsync();
- return new ConnectionFuture(pcf);
- } else if (idle instanceof MultiLockFairBlockingQueue<?>) {
- Future<PooledConnection> pcf = ((MultiLockFairBlockingQueue<PooledConnection>)idle).pollAsync();
- return new ConnectionFuture(pcf);
- } else {
- throw new SQLException("Connection pool is misconfigured, doesn't support async retrieval. Set the 'fair' property to 'true'");
- }
- public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
- //check out a connection
- PooledConnection con = borrowConnection(-1,null,null);
- return setupConnection(con);
- }
- public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException {
- // check out a connection
- PooledConnection con = borrowConnection(-1, username, password);
- return setupConnection(con);
- }
PooledConnection con = borrowConnection(-1, username, password);
- /**
- * Thread safe way to retrieve a connection from the pool
- * @param wait - time to wait, overrides the maxWait from the properties,
- * set to -1 if you wish to use maxWait, 0 if you wish no wait time.
- * @return PooledConnection
- * @throws SQLException
- */
- private PooledConnection borrowConnection(int wait, String username, String password) throws SQLException {
- //如果连接被关闭则直接抛出异常
- if (isClosed()) {
- throw new SQLException("Connection pool closed.");
- } //end if
- //get the current time stamp
- long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
- //see if there is one available immediately
- /*从空闲队列中获取一个连接。 其实idle里存在连接对象有的可能并没有
- 绑定物理连接。这也是Tomcat jdbc pool的一个特别,连接在将要被使用时,
- 才会初始化*/
- PooledConnection con = idle.poll();
- while (true) {
- if (con!=null) {
- //configure the connection and return it
- /*这里又出现一个borrowConnection的重载方法。该方法对从空闲队列中取到的连接对象进行配置和验证,稍后评述*/
- PooledConnection result = borrowConnection(now, con, username, password);
- //null should never be returned, but was in a previous impl.
- // null should never be returned这句注释不对,根据后面的代码
- // 来看,null是有可能发生。
- if (result!=null) return result;
- }
- //if we get here, see if we need to create one
- //this is not 100% accurate since it doesn't use a shared
- //atomic variable - a connection can become idle while we are creating
- //a new connection
- /*从上面的英文注释我们很明白,当执行到这里时,唯一的可能是idle队列没能取到连接对象。
- 如果条件允许,我们将创建新的连接.在这里作者用了一个特别的算法,也是tomcat代码中常用的,
- 我们姑且称他占位法(我一般这么叫)。这个算法的特点就是先在计数器Size中占一个位置
- (Size是原子变量。能够解决并发问题)。即size+1.然后检查size有没有超标。如果超标
- 则减去刚才新加的1。否则创建一个新的连接。不过这里我注意的是,如果创建新连接时失败,
- size也必须减1。其实与大学时的用书抢位子异曲同工。*/
- if (size.get() < getPoolProperties().getMaxActive()) {
- //atomic duplicate check
- if (size.addAndGet(1) > getPoolProperties().getMaxActive()) {
- //if we got here, two threads passed through the first if
- size.decrementAndGet();
- } else {
- //create a connection, we're below the limit
- //后面再描述这个方法。
- return createConnection(now, con, username, password);
- }
- } //end if
- //到这里则表示连接池已满,不能创建新的连接,我们只能等待其他线程释放的连接
- //calculate wait time for this iteration
- long maxWait = wait;
- //if the passed in wait time is -1,
- //means we should use the pool property value
- if (wait==-1) {
- maxWait = (getPoolProperties().getMaxWait()<=0)?Long.MAX_VALUE:getPoolProperties().getMaxWait();
- }
- //我们需要计算本次最多能容忍的等待。为什么要计算呢。因为我们可能中间被假//唤醒但却没能拿到连接。
- long timetowait = Math.max(0, maxWait - (System.currentTimeMillis() - now));
- waitcount.incrementAndGet();
- try {
- //retrieve an existing connection
- con = idle.poll(timetowait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
- } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
- if (getPoolProperties().getPropagateInterruptState()) {
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
- } else {
- Thread.interrupted();
- }
- SQLException sx = new SQLException("Pool wait interrupted.");
- sx.initCause(ex);
- throw sx;
- } finally {
- waitcount.decrementAndGet();
- }
- //no wait, return one if we have one
- if (maxWait==0 && con == null) {
- throw new PoolExhaustedException("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName()+"] " +
- "NoWait: Pool empty. Unable to fetch a connection, none available["+busy.size()+" in use].");
- }
- //we didn't get a connection, let’s see if we timed out
- if (con == null) {
- …
- if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - now) >= maxWait) {
- throw new PoolExhaustedException("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName()+"] " +
- "Timeout: Pool empty. Unable to fetch a connection in " + (maxWait / 1000) +
- " seconds, none available[size:"+size.get() +"; busy:"+busy.size()+"; idle:"+idle.size()+"; lastwait:"+timetowait+"].");
- } else {
- //no timeout, lets try again
- //如果没有超时,我们继续去获取连接。
- continue;
- }
- }
- } //while
- }
protected PooledConnection borrowConnection(long now, PooledConnection con, String username, String password)
protected PooledConnection createConnection(long now, PooledConnection notUsed, String username, String password)
- /**
- * Validates and configures a previously idle connection
- * @param now - timestamp
- * @param con - the connection to validate and configure
- * @return con
- * @throws SQLException if a validation error happens
- */
- protected PooledConnection borrowConnection(long now, PooledConnection con, String username, String password) throws SQLException {
- //we have a connection, lets set it up
- //flag to see if we need to nullify
- boolean setToNull = false;
- try {
- //为当前连接加锁
- con.lock();
- //验证当前连接用用户名与密码是否符合需求
- boolean usercheck = con.checkUser(username, password);
- if (con.isReleased()) {
- return null;
- }
- //对于没标记为丢弃的连接且没有初始化的连接进行初始化。
- if (!con.isDiscarded() && !con.isInitialized()) {
- //attempt to connect
- try {
- con.connect();
- } catch (Exception x) {
- release(con);
- setToNull = true;
- if (x instanceof SQLException) {
- throw (SQLException)x;
- } else {
- SQLException ex = new SQLException(x.getMessage());
- ex.initCause(x);
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- }
- if (usercheck) {
- if ((!con.isDiscarded()) && con.validate(PooledConnection.VALIDATE_BORROW)) {
- //set the timestamp
- con.setTimestamp(now);
- //这里添加LogAbandoned的功能是为了在检测到连接泄露时,
- //获取占用该连接的线程栈
- if (getPoolProperties().isLogAbandoned()) {
- //set the stack trace for this pool
- con.setStackTrace(getThreadDump());
- }
- //放入busy队列。如果不成功,则该连接将无法被追踪。(这种情况不会出现)
- if (!busy.offer(con)) {
- log.debug("Connection doesn't fit into busy array, connection will not be traceable.");
- }
- return con;
- }
- }
- //if we reached here, that means the connection
- //is either has another principal, is discarded or validation failed.
- //we will make one more attempt
- //in order to guarantee that the thread that just acquired
- //the connection shouldn't have to poll again.
- //这里英语描述的很清楚了。如果连接的用户名不符,被丢弃或验证失败,
- //我们可以重连该连接,以满足需求,而不是再去获取其他的。
- try {
- con.reconnect();
- if (con.validate(PooledConnection.VALIDATE_INIT)) {
- //set the timestamp
- con.setTimestamp(now);
- if (getPoolProperties().isLogAbandoned()) {
- //set the stack trace for this pool
- con.setStackTrace(getThreadDump());
- }
- if (!busy.offer(con)) {
- log.debug("Connection doesn't fit into busy array, connection will not be traceable.");
- }
- return con;
- } else {
- //validation failed.
- release(con);
- setToNull = true;
- throw new SQLException("Failed to validate a newly established connection.");
- }
- } catch (Exception x) {
- release(con);
- setToNull = true;
- if (x instanceof SQLException) {
- throw (SQLException)x;
- } else {
- SQLException ex = new SQLException(x.getMessage());
- ex.initCause(x);
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- } finally {
- con.unlock();
- if (setToNull) {
- con = null;
- }
- }
- }